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Location: Tokigawa-machi, Saitama, Japan

19 November 2006

Natural Cryogenics

About 1-2 weeks ago the weather took a turn for the colder. People have been telling us newbies since day one how cold it gets during the winter here in Japan, but the "unique" aspect of 'Japan cold' is that whatever the temperature is outside is what it's going to be in your house because most homes don't have insulation in the walls. I can honestly say that I've never really given insulation a second thought, except for random chuckles about that one company's use of the Pink Panther as a mascot. But boy is it noticeable when it's not around! The other morning I went to squiggie the dew off the windows of the car and it came off as slush. Whatever the temperature is that turns water into slush is exactly the temperature it was in my apartment during the night and in the morning. Difficult to imagine? It was for me too until I experienced it for myself. I don't have any sort of heating unit for my apartment, so I've been wearing 2-4 layers of clothes from the second I get home from school every evening and sleeping with four blankets! When I'm feeling dramatic, I picture myself wearing all of my clothes 24-7 from now until it starts to warm up again in April. :-) But I do have a nifty coffee table in my 'living room' that has a heater built into the bottom of it. I haven't used it yet because I keep forgetting I have it, but I hear they're fantastic (har har).

Well, maybe being a human popsicle for half the year while I'm in Japan will cut my aging process in half. Mother Nature's got a great natural cryogenics thing going on here.

I'm sure some people have elaborate heating systems in their homes, but most of the people in my program have propane space heaters that they move with them from room to room to heat only whatever room it is that they are in. I'm hoping to get one of those soon. Apparently in order to fuel the space heaters you have to take a gas can to the gas station, which I'm sure will be an experience in and of itself.

School is the same...not heated! I wore long underwear to school for the first time last week, and I'm sure it won't be the last time. Unfortunately I only brought one pair. Those of you who have been mentioning Christmas gifts, I'd be happy to talk to you about stockpiling longjohns. :-) I'm seriously thinking about purposely using the squat toilets at school during the winter so I don't have to worry about literally freezing my bum off. Quite of few of you have commented on the crazy buttons on the toilet at my apartment. Let me tell you, right now the only button that matters is the one that heats up the seat (and yes, the toilet in my apartment has a heated seat)!



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