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Location: Tokigawa-machi, Saitama, Japan

21 June 2010

Ice Cream as a Science experiment

On a recent Friday, I made ice cream with liquid nitrogen with the 1st years at my junior high school. It never crossed my mind that this was even possible. Now, why is it that I remember only burning sugar and electrocuting pickles in Science class during my school days?! This would have been so much cooler, and tastier!

Pre-mixing wash-up.

Just a teacher's personal canister of liquid nitrogen sitting around the classroom, you know, the usual.

The ice cream is underway...well, the cream part at least!

Measuring the sugar.

Adding the vanilla.

Here we go with the ice part!

Ooooo....childhood Halloween memories flooding back now!

Again, so random to me, a science teacher walking around the classroom pouring liquid nitrogen into mixing bowls. Because liquid nitrogen is just the most obvious ingredient to add to a cooking project after eggs, sugar and vanilla. ;-)

Alrighty! We have a finished product!

Oishii! (Yum yum!)

I had absolutely no shame wandering around the classroom stealing spoonfuls of ice cream the students unwisely left in the mixing bowls...of course, under the pretext of checking to make sure everyone's ice cream had turned out alright. ;-)


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