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Location: Tokigawa-machi, Saitama, Japan

24 May 2007

Shobu Girl

Yes, yes, I know I've been slacking BIG time on the blogging. We'll see what I can do about that. Maybe this will be a good start. I JUST got a phone call from one of my former supervisors (used to work in the Board of Education) who now works in the mayor's office. On June 10, there is a "Shobu Matsuri" - Iris Festival - in my town. I guess it's kind of the opening of the summer season because people are supposed to start wearing their summer kimonos at this festival. And for the festival, they ask young ladies from the town, who they call "Shobu Girls," to dress up in a summer kimono (called a "Yukata") and hand out flyers listing the festival events, and probably doing something else like serving tea. Guess who just got asked to be a "Shobu Girl?!" That's right, yours truly! TOO funny. I know I'm going to be dying in that Yukata. It's supposed to be a cooler kimono because it's lighter and made of cotton, but I'm sure it'll be 90-degrees, full sun and 100% humidity. Anyway, I will definitely do my best to get a couple photos taken! It'll be worth it all just to see the reactions I get from the townsfolk!


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