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Location: Tokigawa-machi, Saitama, Japan

27 August 2007

Random miscellaneous

Being repetitive. My forte. :-)

I saw a fire-red dragonfly today. First time I'd ever seen one of those and it was the coolest thing least at that particular post-JHS club volleyball practice, pre-"what the heck am I going to do with the rest of my afternoon" time, as I was walking to the conbini (convenience store) for lunch (7-11 baby!).

Yesterday (Sunday) I went to a "classical vocal and piano" concert in my town. One of the two performers is the School Counselor at one of my junior high schools. She's a petite, adorable mother/counselor-looking lady with short hair and glasses, and man does she have a voice! Seriously, she could on the opera stage anywhere in the world. Got me to thinking about the choices people make regarding what to do with their lives, which of their talents/interests to follow through on AND all the hidden talents in our communities we're oblivious to.

And, for those of you who are interested but unawares, the World Track and Field Championships are going on right now right here in good old Japan, down in Osaka. I'm sure one of the 10 billion stations (in the States at least) are broadcasting them. Tonight they had the Hammer Throw finals. I couldn't understand what the announcer was saying, but boy did he make the Hammer Throw sound like the most interesting sporting event EVER! New sports history fact for me - the 1994 Olympic gold medalist in the Hammer Throw was Japanese....and he got 3rd place in the competition tonight. Maybe he was the reason behind all the hype for the event? Ya think?! :-)


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