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Location: Tokigawa-machi, Saitama, Japan

30 October 2007

Canoeing in Japan

I went canoeing in mid-October with a couple of friends. It was their first time canoeing, but they enjoyed it enough to make another attempt in November. This time was pretty chilled out, practicing strokes and turns as a group with the instructors. Who knows. Maybe next time, rapids! Ha ha ha....doubt it.

Anyway, the instructor was taking pictures of everyone with his cell phone, and it turns out he has a trip-blog on his company's website, and our photos were included on his blog for the day we made our little watery excursion.

Top: Me in steering and Piro. Piro was cracking me up the entire time we were on the water, because his idea of canoeing involved paddling 3-4 strokes, then laying up his oar for a couple minutes to gaze around at the scenery. :-)
Bottom: Toshi, Asami and Takeshi, taking one for the team doing the three-person canoe.


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