In Perpetual Motion: The Prorok Files

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Location: Tokigawa-machi, Saitama, Japan

07 May 2009

Silly rabbit....

I just ate an orange-flavored rice cracker that tasted like Trix cereal.

That's a new one.

Fantastic childhood flashbacks as a result though. ;-D

01 May 2009

Small talk

After my 1st hour class was over this morning, I returned to the teachers' room and plopped myself down at my desk, engrossing myself in researching the internet for 'Lord of the Rings' photos to use for my next edition of the "ALT Corner" at my school (which maybe only 2 students ever actually look at, I reckon), hoping to entice the students to find New Zealand incredibly interesting prior to the arrival of our annual exchange students from Auckland at the end of the month. Just when I found the most promising website, I hear the Math teacher who sits next to me say (in English...he goes to an English language class every Thursday evening), "So,....I learned a new word yesterday. Butt. B-U-T-T, butt. But technically speaking, buttocks?"

The two of us and the two English teachers had a very interesting conversation regarding his new vocabulary acquisition. This was by far the funniest new word he's learned in the 3 years I've been here.