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Location: Tokigawa-machi, Saitama, Japan

14 June 2007


For those of you who want to check out my stint as a "Shoubu-girl" this past weekend at my town's Iris (hanashoubu) Festival (matsuri), check out my town's mayor's website at:花菖蒲まつり or if that doesn't work: then click on the yellow button that says "Sadao Sekiguchi's website." If you go through the latter website, the gigantic picture of the guy you'll see there is the town mayor. He's also the one I'm flanking with three other girls in one of the photos on photo page of his website. The girl in the white yukata (summer kimono) standing next to me in that picture is my neighbor/friend, Futaba. Also see if you can spot me in the crowd in the very first photo on the photo page. :-)

If you're so inclined, while you're on the mayor's website's photo page, if you scroll down far enough, you'll see photos from the sports festivals that were held at both of the junior high schools in my town on June 2. You'll know you're looking at the right pictures when you see gigantic painted banners hanging from a school building, stage or large free-standing wooden structure. Also obvious with the junior high school-age-looking students wearing red, white or blue head-bands. :-) Yes, I was there -well, one of the festivals anyway, but I'm not in any of the photos. But worthwhile anyway to have a peek to see how awesome all my students are in my town (shameless plug)!


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