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24 August 2008

Olympics Finale

Wow. Gotta say the Olympics closing ceremony was just as impressive as the opening ceremony! Actually makes me pretty proud to be living in Asian right now!

Of course I've been following the BBC live text today for the final day's Olympic action, and as soon as the U.K.'s plans for their blip in the closing ceremony were released, there was a hilarious discussion about how that was going to go over. Most people couldn't for the life of them figure out why a 'privet hedge' was being included in the handover segment (which is what the double-decker bus transformed into when the top folded case you're like me and previously had no idea what a privet hedge was). There were great fears amongst the Brits for their performance tonight, but I have to say, as different as it was to the Chinese style for the Olympic ceremonies, I think it was a perfect showing for London's style and for the U.K. to set the stage for making 2012 "theirs."

I do have to admit that getting an insider's look today at both the pride and neuroses of the British leading up to the London Olympics (especially having to follow the Beijing Olympics) made my 2 weeks of inadvertent education about British athletes totally worth it!!!! Especially the comments made about London's Mayor as he cruised up through the stadium for the Olympic flag hand-over. There were sighs of relief that he didn't trip up the steps, bets taken that he'd set his hair on fire with the Olympic torch, and disappointment that he didn't mimic Usian Bolt's 'bow and arrow' pre-performance routine. Yep, the Olympics are coming back to "the West." I think the fact that the London Mayor was glad-handing the crowd on his way up the red carpet with his jacket wide open and looking a little scruffy (compared to the stateliness of the other 2 men on the stage) says it all. Classic. :-D London's gonna be a one big party isn't it?! Go London! :-)

Alright, so you can finally be free of my Olympic rantings, I'll give my final shout-outs. Well done to the U.S. Men's Indoor Volleyball Team on taking the gold over Brazil! Hate to admit it, but I didn't think we stood a chance against Brazil. Very convincing showing! Yay!

Along with Synchronized Swimming, my friends and I became enthralled with Rhythmic Gymnastics, something else I didn't think I'd ever hear myself say. I heard R.G. might be on the chopping blocks for near-future Olympics....I hope not! But they darn-well better not let Cricket and Rugby into the London Olympics...... ;-)

And how about this....the Kenyan who won the Men's Marathon gave an interview with a Japanese journalist right after the race.....IN FLUENT JAPANESE!!!!! Apparently he goes to university in Japan. Very impressive! Well done, dude! Oh, and what a way to get your the main stadium, on closing night, in front of all the other athletes, as well as +90,000 spectators on a red carpet, broadcast around the world....geez.

I guess it's a good thing that summer is almost over now that the Olympics are over. I have only one more week of wondering how to keep myself busy sitting around the teachers' room before classes start again. It's been nice to be able to while-away my work hours by watching the Olympics. :-)

Oh, and on a final sports note, shout out to the #1 pitcher on my current junior high school's baseball team. I recently found out that he was chosen to play on Japan's team for the "All Asia Junior High School Baseball Tournament" that happened in Japan last week. Stellar! Although he ended up at 3rd base instead of pitching......but who cares about the details! Way to go Yuji!


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