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29 October 2008

Three Cups of Tea

I just finished reading the book, "Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time".....I might be completely behind the times, and everyone in the States might have already read this book, but if you haven't read it yet, I HIGHLY URGE you to read it as soon as you have the chance.

If you've already read it or already know about it, you can stop reading here. ;-D If you want to know more about it, please read on!

The book is a true story about how Greg Mortenson (a Minnesota-native!!!.....kind of) stumbled off a failed summit attempt of K2 in Pakistan into a village at the edge of the climb zone. Through his recovery experience amongst the people of the village, he promised to grant their one wish, should he be able to offer them anything from the United States that they desired....the wish that a school be built for the children of the village so they could have access to a real education not exposed to the elements (up to that point the children gathered on a ledge above the village to engage in self-study, often using sticks to write or diagram in the earth due to lack of real educational supplies).

The inroads and connections he makes with the people of Pakistan, and later on, in Afghanistan as well, are just as astounding as the rest of his journey to make the 1 promised school a reality....which has turned into more than 50 schools, primarily for the education of girls (in a region, religion and culture that does not always actively support the education of females) and multiple other humanitarian projects.

It also gives an important insider, non-government biased, non-media biased account of what was/is really going on inside the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Having made multiple attempts myself at living/working within foreign contexts, what Greg Mortenson has accomplished, I think, is nothing less than extraordinary. A person has to have an incredible character to be able to do what he has done.

I'm completely blown away by what he's accomplished in the region of the world that he's accomplished it in.

And if you're looking for a cause to support, in my humble opinion, here's one you should definitely consider!

That said, here are some websites you can check out if you're interested: If you want to order copies of this book, do it through this website and 7% of all your book purchases will go towards a scholarship fund for girls' education in Pakistan and Afghanistan (if your local library doesn't have a copy of this book already, maybe you could order one/some and donate it?....) Charity drive designed for school-children, supported by Greg Mortenson's organization. The official website for the Central Asia Institute, of which Greg Mortenson is the Director. Tax-deductible contributions that go towards supporting education and literacy in Central Asia, especially for girls, can be made through this website. :-D



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